Additional Offerings

Single Sessions & Retreats

More details coming soon


  • Our sessions involve accessing altered states of consciousness, a gentle state between wakefulness and sleep. Here, we unlock the subconscious mind to facilitate powerful shifts and often help clients release trapped emotions using techniques like somatic experiencing, hypnosis, or meditation. Tears and yawning often indicate emotional release and relaxation through activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.

    Combining somatic experiencing, hypnosis, meditation, and coaching, our approach guides clients through an inner journey to access their internal healing resources. This process initiates profound energetic shifts, leaving clients feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and more emotionally balanced.

  • The holistic bodywork session is a space where you can relax, simply be, and let go. Bodywork encompasses therapeutic practices involving hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles and other soft tissues, promoting relaxation, pain relief, and overall well-being. What sets this holistic bodywork session apart is the integration of somatic experiencing, hypnosis, and light coaching if desired. It's a personalized session based on your needs and preferences. Through the combination of holistic modalities, you'll experience transformation and leave feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. This wellness experience nurtures your mind, body, and spirit, offering pampering and care. Whether you're seeking stress relief, presence, or healing for your mind or body, this treatment is for you. We're here to support your holistic well-being—allow yourself to receive and be treated.

  • In a somatic experiencing session, we begin by calming the nervous system and grounding ourselves. Clients learn to use present-moment resources to feel calm and comfortable. As they reconnect with their bodies and quiet their minds, they practice shifting their nervous system to a more balanced state.

    Sessions cover a range of topics, from processing trauma to celebrating achievements. If addressing trauma, the session helps process it and provide what the past self may have needed but didn't receive. We pause to focus on bodily sensations linked to emotions, creating space to regulate the nervous system and release trapped emotions.

    Healing from trauma involves cultivating awareness and safety in the present, allowing for the processing of past events and fostering a sense of security. Conversely, celebrating achievements allows clients to fully immerse in positive emotions, grounding themselves in their progress and creating a positive self-image.

  • In a mindfulness and meditation session, clients learn fundamental practices to apply in daily life. They discover how mindfulness can be applied moment to moment, becoming aware of reactive thought patterns. Through practice, they intentionally shift conditioned patterns to more intentional ones.

    Consistent practice of mindfulness and Coming Home tools is a cornerstone of the program's effectiveness. Clients set intentions to change thought and behavioral patterns, reducing old habits over time.

    Sessions include breath observation and body scanning meditation. Observing the breath calms the mind and enhances insight into mental processes. Body scanning releases trapped energy, promoting physical and emotional release. Developing a stable and balanced mind toward thoughts and feelings is crucial for mindfulness and meditation.

    Following practice, clients can effectively process past events and emotions, gaining deeper self-understanding.

  • A hypnosis session consists of two parts: talk therapy and hypnosis. During talk therapy, we discuss what you wish to address. We then transition to the hypnosis phase, where you can relax comfortably. In this state between wakefulness and sleep, you'll experience deep relaxation as I guide you through an inner journey.

    Throughout the session, you maintain control and heightened awareness. Hypnosis makes your subconscious mind receptive to suggestions. Using positive affirmations, I aim to transform limiting beliefs. Hypnosis accesses your subconscious wisdom, intuition, and internal healing abilities, often yielding immediate positive effects.

  • Hypnosis is a natural state of mind experienced daily by everyone. It acts as a transitional stage between wakefulness and sleep, commonly occurring in the morning and before sleep.

  • Online zoom sessions are just as effective as in person sessions. Some clients even prefer the zoom sessions due to convenience.  

  • During the silent meditation retreat, we'll meet three times: first for preparation & training (75 min session), second for a mid-retreat check-in (30 minute session), and the third for a recap of the experience (45 minute session). Clients consistently report positive benefits from regular meditation practice. They gain deeper awareness of thought patterns and emotional states, leading to increased inner calm and emotional balance.

    The retreat aims to release pent-up emotions and promote mindfulness in daily life. It provides a dedicated space to process subconscious emotions that may not surface amidst daily routines. As participants encounter these emotions, they learn to navigate them with mindfulness and equanimity.

    Participants experience a range of emotions during the retreat, fostering resilience and a balanced state of mind. By embracing all feelings and sensations, individuals cultivate greater emotional strength, balance, and tranquility.

  • The Holistic Mini Retreat will take place either via Zoom or in person in Irvine, California. Choose based on your location and preference. This experience offers a deep dive into all the holistic modalities Coming Home offers: mindfulness, meditation, somatic experiencing, coaching, and hypnotherapy. It's designed for those seeking to create positive transformational shifts in just one day.

    This retreat provides a comprehensive exploration of each modality, offering resolutions to challenges you may be facing and leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated after the session. It's a safe space for you to breathe and relax into the moment. Allow yourself to receive; you deserve this.

    Clients often experience energetic shifts that can last for days following the session, which is a natural and expected outcome of powerful inner work and transformation.

  • Single sessions are ideal if you're curious but not yet ready for a full program commitment. Perhaps you'd like to experience a 1:1 session first before deciding. Even in just one session, clients often experience a significant release of energy and increased calmness afterward.

    The Coming Home Program is tailored for those dedicated to regular mindfulness practice and the effective use of Coming Home tools. It's designed for individuals ready to embark on a beautiful journey of internal transformation. Through dedication, consistency, and self-care practices with the Coming Home tools, clients experience profound shifts. This is exactly why the program spans 4 to 6 months.