I Am Home

Let us walk a path towards inner and outer connection. 

Allow yourself to access your inner love, resilience, higher self presence, and authenticity.

I Am Home Holistic Wellness

was created to serve clients with people-pleasing tendencies who are wanting to step out of overwhelm, self-doubt, trauma, or chronic pain affecting every aspect of their lives. Dr. Jenn’s personal journey through moments of darkness gave birth to I Am Home: Holistic Wellness. Her higher purpose is to make a positive impact on her 2017 self - her inner child lost in overwhelming feelings of shame, fear, anxiety, panic, and overwhelm. Her healing journey shifted focus from external to internal validation, nurturing her inner child through reparenting herself. Guiding, supporting, empowering, and loving herself became her path. 

Dr. Jenn’s most transformative service is the 4-6 month Coming Home Program. She also provides single sessions of holistic bodywork, somatic experiencing, hypnotherapy, 1:1 silent meditation retreats, and 1:1 personalized retreats. In addition to these personalized services, Dr. Jenn offers community trainings, workshops, and retreats to guide clients home to themselves.

All the holistic modalities Dr. Jenn uses are intended to help clients awaken to their true nature—their innate goodness and worthiness, present since birth. Allow yourself to access your inner compassion, stability, love, and light. See yourself as you truly are.

I Am Home Holistic Wellness provides empowering experiences designed to help you step into self-love, emotional resilience, higher self presence, and authenticity.

I Am Home Holistic Wellness is a

powerful reminder that…

The love you have been searching for in the external world has always been here. Stop the external chase. 

It's Time to Come Home ·

It's Time to Come Home ·

It’s time to

To stop playing small.
To step into your power.
To tap into your inner strength.
To expand towards the version of self that you were meant to be.

Let us dive deep into the internal world with the mind, body, and spirit to do the beautiful healing work of rediscovering the love and wholeness that is within you in this present moment.

Home is right here, right now. 

Transformative experiences designed to help you come home to yourself.

Are you

༄ Tired of feeling not enough or unlovable

༄ Tired of emotional overwhelm or burnout

༄ Wanting to feel emotionally stable & happy with who you are? 

༄ Wanting to be surrounded by a positive support system

༄ Ready to embrace your true, authentic self and pursue dreams that you've been holding back on?

Let’s prepare for transformative inner work that will revolutionize both your inner and outer worlds.
Allow yourself to receive top-notch quality care and services to help you step into the highest version of yourself!

1:1 Programs, Personal Sessions, and Community Events

A Holistic Wellness Program - Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit

Designed to help clients with people pleasing tendencies process overwhelm, self-doubt, trauma and step into self-love, authenticity, presence, and empowerment.

Somatic Experiencing



& Meditation



Your Journey Home

with Dr. Jenn

Find your way home to your inner love, empowerment, and authenticity. 

Hi, I’m Dr. Jenn, a somatic mindfulness coach, master hypnotist, doctor of physical therapy, holistic bodyworker, retreat guide, and the host of the Coming Home Podcast.

My mission is to guide highly sensitive individuals with people-pleasing and perfectionistic tendencies toward inner peace and authenticity. Through my unique blend of holistic practices, I help you navigate difficult emotions and connect with your higher self.

At the heart of my work is the belief that true transformation begins from within. I utilize a combination of mindfulness, hypnosis, somatic experiencing, bodywork, and coaching to address anxiety, overwhelm, burnout, fear, grief. My approach integrates mind, body, and spirit, fostering a deep sense of presence, authenticity, and connection. 

What led me to create I Am Home: Holistic Wellness, a heart centered business is my own personal coming home journey.

    • A personalized 4-6 month journey designed to guide you back to your internal source of love, stability, higher self presence, and authenticity. Through a blend of holistic practices including: coaching, mindfulness & meditation, somatic experiencing, and hypnotherapy you will develop emotional resilience, authenticity, and a deeper connection with your true self. 

    • This is the most effective offering within I Am Home: Holistic Wellness because we will be working on inner work most consistently and comprehensively. Your inner child and emotions deserve consistent care, practice, and time to be and breathe.

    • Find out more here.

    • 60 Min Somatic Hypnotherapy Session 

    • 60 Min Hypnotherapy Session

    • 60 Min Somatic Experiencing Session

    • 60 Min Mindfulness Coaching Session 

    • 60 Min Holistic Bodywork Session

    Find out more here.

    • Mini Holistic Retreat

    • Silent Meditation Retreat

    Find out more here.

    • Workshops & retreats designed to connect participants to connect back with themselves as they access the true nature of their being. It is a safe space to collectively turn inward, hold space for difficult emotions, cultivate inner peace, and to expand together. 

    • Our community events, both online and in-person, offer holistic practices such as mindfulness, somatic hypnotherapy, and more, helping you feel seen, heard, and loved just as you are.

      Find out more here.

  • Listen on: Spotify here.

Choose your starting point to Come Home to yourself

What clients are saying

“I can’t forget the day when I sat with Jenn for our session. That day, I finally found the courage to see myself as both a mother and a daughter from an objective and non-judgmental perspective.

Before meeting with Jenn, it felt like I was living in a fog. I knew something was wrong and that I needed to make changes right away, but I didn’t know where to begin or how to start. Although I'm still working on having a healthier relationship with my kids, I can now confidently say that I know where to go and believe I have the power to overcome any difficulties that come my way.

What was truly amazing about the session with Jenn was that I was able to connect with my inner child and listen to her wounded thoughts. Additionally, by accessing my higher self, I've gained the confidence to face any challenges ahead. Thank you, Jenn.”

- Younhee

“Jenn has been my life coach for a little over 2 years now and I am currently completing her 12-week Coming Home program. I cannot say enough good things about Jenn and what she has done for me. I am inherently a perfectionist, I compartmentalize my emotions, and I can be pretty unforgiving to myself--Jenn's style and thoughtful approach was what helped me get to a place of calming peace, clarity, and understanding of my needs. 

2 things that I appreciate about Jenn's program:

1) Consistency - having someone else prioritize my well being helped hold me accountable to following through on my action items so that I could do what I deemed the most important part of this journey: PRACTICE.

2) Helped me to adjust my pattern of thinking. I never felt judged if my thought process was actually causing me harm. Instead, she helped me find meaning behind that thought and would guide me to different perspectives. 

I have always been pretty skeptical of life coaching and therapy in general but I am so glad I opened myself up to trying something new even if I doubted it. The best thing Jenn has done for me is that she taught me how to be my own champion for success. It's easy to think you're fine and to brush things off as no big deal--your mental health is a big deal. You don't have to wait until you are crushed by life to start taking care of yourself. Thank you so much for what you do, Jenn!”

- Thuy

“Jenn is a strong empath and she truly understands her clients at a deep level. Working 1:1 with her has been an amazing experience and I am amazed to see how much she has grown as a life coach. Her methods have taught me to look deep within myself and to accept the fact that nothing is permanent. She does a fantastic job of addressing your concerns during each session and providing the right tools to practice until the next session. She is fully present during each session and challenges you to look within yourself. Jenn has great intuition as an empath and will guide and ask you the right questions to get to the answer that you've always had within you. Great experience with this amazing human being!”

- Anna

Say yes to your journey home.

Are you ready to receive top-notch care, support, and guidance on your journey to inner peace and authenticity?
Embrace the transformative power of the Coming Home Program and start reconnecting with your true self today.

Cultivate self-love, connection, and belonging with
I am Home Holistic Wellness Community!